måndag 16 maj 2011

Everyday cream cheese frosting

A little background
Cream cheese frosting normally contains butter. As I actually love cream cheese frosting and I'd really love to eat it for dinner every second day (but, of course, I don't...) I have tried to do it a little more "light". No butter or fat added.
This frosting is though not really usable for cake decorating as it might be a little too soft. It works fine for some simple, unpretentious swirls on cupcakes. Which is shown in the picture, of course. It is up to you to judge if it is nice enough or not...
150 gr Cream cheese
70gr confectioner's sugar (or maybe more... I mostly just mix "more" sugar in until it looks neat, has the desired consistency and, of course, the right taste)
1 tbs lemon juice

Note: I personally think the amounts above give a good result!

Whisk together the cream cheese with the confectioner's sugar until very fluffy. It can take some time indeed! Add the lemon juice and whisk some more. Here you go! Taste and if it does not look right or taste right, just add more sugar or lemon juice depending on the needs. Use your senses :O)

If you are up to it, you can, of course, use coloring gel to give the frosting some color. Here, I took a toothpick and dipped it about 1cm in red gel. This was the result: a very bright pink color.

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